Stadt verbietet Straßenprostitution
#karlsruhe #prostitution

Stadt verbietet Straßenprostitution
#karlsruhe #prostitution
Devenir Chienne
Itziar Ziga
« Je ne revendique pas la féminité des gentilles filles mais bien celle des chiennes méchantes. Une féminité extrême, radicale, subversive, spectaculaire, insurgée, explosive, parodique, sale, jamais impeccable, féministe, politique, précaire, combative, incommodante, vénère, pas coiffée, au mascara qui coule, bâtarde, décalée, perdue, prêtée, volée, déviante, excessive, exaltée, malpolie, canaille, vicieuse, marginale, trompeuse… » En plus de rendre bouffonnes les normes hétéropatriarcales, Devenir chienne répond vertement au féminisme le plus conformiste, institutionnel, bourgeois, blanc, puritain, qui cumule les discriminations envers les travailleur·se·s du sexe, les personnes trans et racisé·e·s. Itziar Ziga démonte dans une langue acérée les débats habituels autour du féminisme, autour de la prostitution, de la transidentité ou du port du voile.
Japan's government has approved a bill to tighten regulations on host clubs, aiming to curb abusive practices that force female patrons into prostitution to pay off excessive debts. #japan #crimelegal #hostbars #prostitution #women039sissues #japanesepolice #gangs #organizedcrime
Tokyo police are stepping up a crackdown on a group that recruits women for sexual services by luring them on social media with promises of high incomes. #japan #prostitution #hostbars #kabukicho #sexcrimes
In der Doppelfolge von @ZDF "Aktenzeichen XY" im Januar ging es um #Prostitution.
Ist das noch #Journalismus? Oder schon Stimmungsmache?
Gedanken eines BesD-Mitglied:
Im Internet lockt die „Tren de Aragua“ junge Venezolanerinnen mit der Hoffnung auf Jobs ins Ausland. Doch statt Arbeit erwartet sie dort #Prostitution. Wie die #Mafia agiert und warum #Polizei und Behörden nichts dagegen unternehmen: #venezuela #migration
Koichiro Ito, one of the producers of the critically acclaimed anime "Your Name," has been jailed on charges of committing obscene acts against minors. #japan #crimelegal #anime #japanesefilm #film #sexcrimes #pornography #childporn #prostitution #japanesecourts
Today in Labor History March 3, 1903: U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1903, also called the Anarchist Exclusion Act, which bolstered previous immigration law, while adding four new classes of banned people: anarchists, people with epilepsy, beggars, and importers of prostitutes. Congress first discussed banning anarchists from entering the U.S. in 1889, in the wake of the Haymarket affair, when 8 innocent anarchists were framed for a bombing at a public demonstration in support of the eight-hour workday. Then, in 1901, Leon F. Czolgosz, a self-proclaimed anarchist, assassinated President William McKinley. The police responded by arresting numerous anarchists who had no connection whatsoever to the assassination, including Emma Goldman. The new immigration law had minimal effect. Over the next 11 years, only 11 anarchists were denied entry into the U.S., and four were expelled, under the law, including British anarchist John Turner.
Im Januar kamen zwei Podcast Folgen zum Thema #Prostitution auf dem @ZDF Kanal von XY Ungelöst heraus. Mich haben diese Folgen als #Sexarbeiter*in fürchterlich wütend gemacht und jetzt habe ich nieder Geschrieben was ich daran alles Falsch finde. Das Ergebnis könnt ihr lesen unter
Finde es immer wieder gut wenn die #SVP die christlichen Werte des Abendlands schützen will.
Ob #Bordell oder nicht fickt doch einfach Leute in eurer eigenen Altersrange - das ist doch einfach nur widerlich...
Today in Labor History February 5, 1917: U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1917 over President Wilson’s veto. Also known as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act, it was one of many anti-Asian laws passed by Congress between the 1860s and World War II. However, there were plenty of other xenophobic, nativist and anti-left immigration laws, too. The Immigration Act of 1903 specifically barred Anarchists and epileptics. The Immigration Act of 1882 specifically barred “lunatics, idiots and prostitutes.” The Immigration Act of 1918 and the Sedition Act of 1918 came at the beginning of the First Red Scare. Thousands of Anarchists, Communists, Socialists and labor leaders were arrested, executed, or imprisoned as a result of these laws.
For more, read America’s Long Sordid History of Anti-Asian Violence:
Tokyo police have arrested the operator of a brothel targeting foreign visitors, marking the first nationwide crackdown on an establishment aimed at tourists visiting from overseas. #japan #crimelegal #japanesepolice #tourism #prostitution #sex #tokyo #kabukicho
A Catalogue of Courtesans
The famous courtesans were always one of the attractions of Venice. People came from all over, for the carnival, for the gambling and for the courtesans.
Everybody came for the courtesans.
When Henry III of Poland and France came to Venice on an official visit in 1574, the Republic of Venice made sure that he had the pleasant company of Veronica FranA Catalogue of prostitutesco, poetess and one of the most renowned Venetian courtesans of the time.
Veronica Franco is also mentioned in a rather curious document, which has survived to our times in just a few handwritten copies.
#LifeCustomsAndWaysOfDoingThings #Courtesans #Prostitution #Venezia #Venice
Read more here:
In der Region Kolda im Süden des #Senegal ist die Situation der #Frauen sehr schwierig: Obwohl die Praxis seit 1999 verboten ist, sind 94 % aller Frauen beschnitten; zwei Drittel der Mädchen werden früh zwangsverheiratet. Vielen Mädchen und Frauen bleibt deshalb auch eine #Schulbildung verwehrt. Als Folge können sie keinen Beruf erlernen und werden anfälliger für jede Form von Ausbeutung wie etwa #Menschenhandel und #Prostitution.
Come and laugh at a rich guy's (interesting) failure:
In early 1997 an elite Wall Street manager sent his buddy to Thailand to scope out investments. The buddy's theory was that when a local economy grows, (1) its brothels will get cleaner and (2) discarded cigarette butts on the street will be longer.
"After a couple of months in Asia, he reported ... that the brothels in Bangkok had recently become much cleaner and safer, and that Thailand was an excellent place to invest ..." So, the manager invested *several hundred million dollars* in Thai futures.
A few weeks later, in June 1997, the Asian financial crisis smashed Thailand's economy. The manager lost over 90% of the money. His whole investment firm collapsed.
Years later, he reflected "I didn’t have a proper foundation for my investment there. I had no knowledge of the country. I’d never even visited .... All I had done was finance a trip by Bo Keeley to the brothels there.’’
Trickreich gegen Zensur – „Teheran Tabu“ (2017)
Eine besondere Mediathekperle, und tatsächlich ein Prototyp für Filme, die im TV garantiert untergehen und ohne die Mediatheken kaum ein Publikum finden würden. Einschaltbefehle gibt es von mir nur selten. Hier läge ein solcher tatsächlich nahe. Nur 7 Tage verfügbar! (ZDF)
Today in Labor History January 1, 1879: Ben Reitman was born on this day. Reitman was a comrade and one-time lover of Emma Goldman, a doctor to hobos and prostitutes, and an anarchist organizer. He wrote the novel, “Boxcar Bertha.” Scorsese later made a film based on this book. Reitman became a hobo at the age of ten, but returned to Chicago and got a job in a lab. In 1900, he started medical school. His first daughter founded the nudist Out-of-Door Club at Highland, New York. As a physician, Reitman performed many abortions when they were still illegal. In 1907 he founded the Hobo College for migrant education, political organizing and social services. The during San Diego Free Speech Fight in 1912-1913, vigilantes tarred and feathered him, burned “IWW” into his skin and raped him with a broom. In 1916, he served six-month in prison for breaking the Comstock Law by disseminating information on birth control.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #benreitman #emmagoldman #IWW #freespeech #prostitution #sexwork #abortion #immigration #birthcontrol #prison #writer #author #books #novels #fiction @bookstadon
Japan's red-light tourism boom is partly explained by harmful stereotypes of Japanese women and the way adult services are normalized in the country. #commentary #japan #women #women039sissues #sex #pornography #prostitution #hostclubs #tourism #japaneseeconomy
With $1.3 billion in revenue and over 300 million users, OnlyFans is on a mission to redefine porn. But for all its ambition and influence, its inner workings remain opaque. #business #tech #pornography #sex #revengeporn #childporn #sexcrimes #prostitution #onlyfans #keilyblair